Want Sole Child Custody?

Numerous Georgia residents end their marriages or relationships every year. Many of them have children to consider and are not quite sure the best way to handle the child custody issue. For some, sole custody is the way to go, but how does one achieve this type of arrangement?

At the end of the day, child custody matters are settled in one of two ways: negotiation or litigation. Some couples can come to terms either on their own, with the help of legal counsel or by talking things through in mediation sessions. Others, however, require a judge to make the final call. 

When it comes to child custody, there is a shift toward joint custody arrangements happening, which really is a good thing for the majority of families. However, sometimes sole custody — the granting of custody to only one parent — is better for the children. Those seeking this type of arrangement tend to end up in court, and they generally have to have a really good reason for requesting it — such as the other parent having a history of addiction or abuse. Of course, sometimes, it really is the best option due to the other parent’s job or need to relocate. 

There are reasons to seek sole child custody. Georgia residents who believe it will serve their children’s best interests have every right to request this type of arrangement. An experienced family law attorney can help those who desire sole custody either privately negotiate it as part of their divorce settlements or file the necessary petitions in court. If the circumstances are right, achieving sole custody may be possible. 

Source: verywellfamily.com, “How to Get Sole Custody of Your Kids“, Debrina Washington, Accessed on April 30, 2018

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